Pool Rules
- All teams must have a certified supervising coach on deck at all times of practice.
- If no coach is present, no athlete will be permitted into the water.
- No deck changing or changing your clothes on deck.
- No running.
- Please do not bring pets into the facility (Service animals are okay).
- Each user group is responsible for bringing out equipment and cleaning up their equipment at the conclusion of practice.
- Vulgar language and expletives are to be avoided while participants are within the facility and within their practice.
- Parents and coaches are responsible for ensuring their children/athletes are obeying the facility rules.
- We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- No gum on deck.
- No spitting on the pool deck at any time.
- No sunflower seeds.
- Rough housing, wrestling, handball, climbing the facility bleachers is not permitted.
- No back flips, flips, back dives or inappropriate entries while entering the pool.
- No diving in the shallow pool.
- No skateboards, bikes, roller skates or other items may be ridden on the deck.
- Whistles may only be used between the hours of 7am and 9pm.
- No loudspeakers are permitted at any time.
- All events must conclude by 9pm. No exceptions.
- All teams who have dryland activities that take place on the BBMAC deck must enforce that athletes are wearing tennis shoes and proper dry lans athletic attire for participant protection.
- No glass bottles.
- If a participant has diarrhea, they must not enter the pool until 14 days after the incident.
- All forms of smoking (vapes included), illegal drugs and alcohol are prohibited at all times.
- Swimmers are NOT allowed to perform hypoxic or underwater breathing control drills.
- Children who are not toilet trained must wear non-disposable swim diapers.
- No swimming under the bulkhead at any time.
- No swimming while no lifeguard on duty.
- No hanging or sitting on lane lines.
- Lost and found items will be cleared out on the last day of the month and donated.
- Swimmers may not enter the pool when any pool tarps are still in place.
- Obey the lifeguard at all times. Lifeguards reserve the right to remove anyone from the facility.